Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Before Pictures of my Classroom
As you can see in the before pictures, I have students set-up in small groups.  I also have a carpet where we complete large group activities, Morning Meeting, as well as some small group activities.  I have a Guided Reading table where I conduct Guided Math and Guided Reading groups.  Students are allowed to sit wherever they wish during Daily 5 Math and Reading stations.  Many choose to sit on the carpet, while others will sit underneath tables, behind my desk, and in the rocking chair.  I have students sitting in groups of five to six for collaboration purposes.

After Pictures of My Classroom
More of a 21st Century Design in Mind!

When re-designing my room with 21st Century learning in mind, I had some difficulty rearranging it with the tables and furniture that are already provided by my school.  I brought in two tables from my hallway and placed the one table to make an Osmo learning station.  The other table I placed in the center of our room as a Tech Station.  I have student iPads on this table, along with clipboards and whiteboards located underneath.  Behind both, I placed students' Daily 5 Reading and Math Station work.  I also placed the pull-out drawers in this area as this is where students place completed papers.

Osmo Station

Library Nook
I added more of a display to show the books from the library that can be overlooked.

Tech Station (iPads)
Paper Return
Daily 5 Math and Reading Stations

Tech Station
Clipboards and Whiteboard Location

View of entire classroom

Future Classroom Images
If I had $1,000 to spend right now to change my classroom set-up, I'd do a few things differently!
I have a few images below that allow you to see my different visions for a 21st Century Classroom.  They are all different but have some similar principles in mind.  I like the idea of flexible seating, seating students in pods or sections for learning, along with bright pops of color!

This design I really like as it has different types of seating, plus it is very colorful!  It still provides an area for students to use desks, but they have the options of where they would like to learn.

I like this design because the classroom uses tables, along with stools which are more of a 21st Century design than regular desks and chairs.  I like the colorful tables and different areas or pods around the room.

This classroom I like as it provides different types of flexible seating for our 21st Century learners.  The room is still set up in sections, but students have the option of sitting in a chair, stool, or on a floor cushion.
Finally, I thought this classroom was an interesting design as it clearly has different sections in mind.  Students would have privacy to work in different locations around the room.  I like the different types of seating, such as the couch or the small red ottomans.  This looks very futuristic to me and I would enjoy this type of set-up in my own room due to its modern appeal.

My Thoughts on Design and Student Learning

Personally, I think the design of any classroom is vital to student learning.  It has a direct impact on how students learn in a variety of ways.  First, if students are sitting in small groups, they are very easily able to collaborate on assignments and projects.  If students have the ability to sit somewhere in a quiet section of the room to work, they have this option as well.  Students who are provided with flexible seating have their needs met as they can freely sit where they are most comfortable, whether it be on the floor, on cushions, stools, or chairs.  Students are more focused when the design of the classroom is conducive to their learning and their personal needs.  Students do not always need to work at a desk as they are using iPads.  Students who complete collaborative projects, need areas to express their ideas freely and to be able to work without seating restrictions.

I think my room is more like a 21st Century design now that I changed some things around.  My thoughts in my designing process were that I wanted to continue to keep the carpet area front and center as my students use this often for a variety of reasons.  They do partner work, independent work, along with large group work here.  I decided to set up an Osmo station as this is something new we just learned about.  I have one iPad to use with the Osmo, but I figured I'd provide one sole area for this to be used as the iPad does not have a case on it.  Finally, I decided to provide students with a center area where they have access to their iPads, stations, clipboards, and whiteboards.  This allows students to have a one-stop shop and they can grab whatever they need.  This is actually working out well because I have a charging station at the back of my room where I am charging iPads whenever needed.  Before I was charging all iPads at once and it was a little time consuming to plug them in every other evening.  This way, I am providing students with more responsibility by requiring them to keep an eye on their battery.  I also really like my library nook that I created.  I have another carpet in this area and students enjoy lying here to read stories.  The new design was the bookshelf that displays some of our library books that tend to be overlooked.   I think this new set-up, even though the changes are minor due to the furniture I have access to, is definitely an improvement from what I had before.  In fact, one of my students came in the next day and said: "It's like we have a brand new room."  It doesn't matter how minor the changes, they can make a huge impact on student learning.  

Images were taken from


  1. Rebecca,

    You did a fabulous job rearranging your classroom to have more distinct, organized areas for learning. Your Osmo station draws your students attention to the lesson, which is key! The reading nook looks inviting and students will definitely have no problems finding a book to read. The tech station is easy access to anything your students would need to utilize for your lessons and strategically placed in the middle to observe students moving around the classroom. I love the second and third photos you shared about the flexible seating arrangements. The stools seem much more versatile and easy to move around the classroom. The bright colors offer an inviting, positive environment for the children. As educators, we are continuously changing our instruction based on the latest trends and programs adopted by our districts, but why hasn't anyone redesigned our classrooms to fit the 21st century learning style? In a technological era where iPads and laptops are continuously being utilized in the classroom, why are we still forcing students to sit in chairs and desks that have no relevance to how education is evolving? I would think the bean bags and small stools are cheaper than full desks and chairs. With budgets diminishing every year, it may be difficult to revamp the design of our schools. If schools are soon undergoing renovations, I hope the board members are considering the classroom layout and furniture purchases to match the style of teaching today. Thanks for your post!


  2. It is so interesting to me of all the people who are focused on seating areas for their classroom. The rigid desks that we grew up with are ones we know are detrimental to learning, yet we continue to use them anyway. I think changing some of the staging and set up to a classroom would encourage and inspire learning in any student. Nice ideas!
